Reggio Emilia Approach
The Reggio Emilia approach is an early learning philosophy we incorporate and embrace into children’s education at Alerces, based on the image of the child. We believe each child deserves to thrive in their learning environment by having the freedom to guide their own inquisitive play learning.
Reggio Emilia Philosophy
The Reggio Emilia philosophy on education places the child at the centre of their learning plan each day. Based on curiosity and excitement for the world around them, a child will naturally begin to play. The role of the teacher is to mentor, guide this play into learning activities and present opportunities for a child to take their curiosity and learning further with props and prompts provided by the teacher, and many times inspired by children
Reggio Emilia Classroom
There are five classrooms at Alerces that each group of children will visit throughout the week. When children arrive in the morning they are encouraged to check the visual calendar where each class is colour blocked according to the classroom they are in for that day. This gives children a sense of responsibility and independence right at the beginning of their day to observe the calendar and conclude where they must start their day. Each classroom has been set up to support different cognitive areas of of learning whether it is visual arts through mixed media, sensory and unusual materials, a cozy space to encourage lounging for reading together as well as props to further develop a story or visually support what they are reading through puppetry and role playing, allowing the child to interact in these spaces with the hundred languages that belong to everyone. The Reggio Emilia classroom is the environment, or the third teacher, and one of our favourite teaching environments is outside where we often take the children for forest school learning.
Reggio Emilia Classroom Supplies
Reggio Emilia classroom supplies can be any item that sparks wondrous learning, curiosity and play. However, we incorporate as many natural materials as possible by bringing in elements of nature, different textiles and fabrics, painting, colouring and drawing with different textures underneath the paper to create different patterns. We incorporate blocks and items to serve as building materials to encourage tremendous exploration and play. Our learning environment also has many instruments and items for making music and encouraging movement and dance.
Reggio Emilia Light table and Mirrors
Light tables and mirrors are a feature of Reggio Emilia classrooms to allow children to explore and create through light,shadows, transparency and reflection. Children become fascinated with how objects can grow or shrink in size as they move in front of the light. Children can incorporate items like clear and magnetic tiles, coloured gemstones, sticks, stones, leaves and acorns and examine how they change when passed over the light.
Reggio Emilia Play
Truly the environment is the teacher and creating a space where children can explore is the greatest opportunity to facilitate learning. Reggio Emilia play happens easily wherein the teacher can set up a classroom with interesting objects to observe how children interact with them. In a bilingual atmosphere the children will naturally learn as the teacher speaks and identifies the items. Reggio Emilia philosophy believes that children can learn to cultivate “one hundred languages” they learn to communicate through activities like singing, dancing, construction, writing, talking, science, and more. The hundred languages are used to help children build knowledge and understand the world around them.
Reggio Emilia Outdoor Environment
The Reggio Emilia philosophy naturally supports an outdoor learning environment and when we decided to take forest school training we knew it would be the perfect fit for our school philosophy that already nurtured creativity and learning within a child-led process. Children are so naturally curious that taking them outside into the forest beside our school is a joy to facilitate as they joyfully explore and embrace the natural world and all the wonders just waiting to be discovered.
Why Reggio Emilia Works
Reggio Emilia works because it starts with the child finding something they are already excited to explore and learn about. The teacher can take this curiosity and turn it into a guided learning session by incorporating objects, music, art, dance and guide the child through an activity that can teach a lesson to bring up a new learning experience, where teacher and children become co-learners
Reggio Emilia VS Traditional Preschool
Children at Alerces flourish with independence, freedom of choices, creative learning, and they would say: “At Alerces everything is possible”, because the possibilities of exploration are endless, opening new doors for discoveries and inquiry learning, with the knowledgeable support of experts from our community and places in our city, Saskatoon .
Children and families have the choice of a Part time or Full time everyday program which gives consistency, confidence and rich learning experiences to the child, sense of belonging, and continuity through projects.
Reggio Emilia VS Montessori
Maria Montessori made a great contribution to early learning pedagogy, she was a pioneer. Montessori is a methodology where materials isolate learning concepts. Children receive a presentation from the director, and later on will reproduce these processes, until they have mastered the use of the Montessori material. It promotes a child’s self satisfaction of achievements.
The Reggio Emilia Approach, as such, is an inspiration, a philosophy, where the best pedagogic studies are blended, offering a prepared environment or third teacher. Learning happens through research, and interaction with experts and community. Children explore, interact, and create new possibilities with inquisitive minds. The teacher guides, inspires, and mentors, finding new possibilities. It is a learning environment where learning is tailored for each language of the child.
The Core Values of Reggio Emilia
Children are capable, and able beings to determine their own learning.
Children naturally collaborate with others, sharing information and observations.
Children are natural communicators and need the freedom to express themselves in a way that supports their learning.
Reggio Emilia Behaviour Management
Every child learns social behaviours and expectations at different stages of development and within their unique personality, and also is accustomed to how their parents address guiding behaviour at home. At Alerces we believe in the Reggio Emilia behaviour management philosophy of providing clear consistent boundaries centred around respect for self and respect for others.We are experienced teachers who can provide many different strategies to address behaviour and will include the child and parents in a team effort to help the child succeed.